Friday, April 23, 2010


Am I the only one who is addicted to the show The Challenge, Fresh Meat 2 on MTV? It comes on wednesday nights, and it's basically a bunch of real world kids and road rules kids and fresh meat kids ( kids who are new to the challenges ) Me and my hubby have watched every season of the challenge shows since we have been together. Wes.. ( top picture ) is one of the ring leaders this season.. and let me tell you I actually like Wes. Now if you are just tuning in for the first time this season.. you might get a bad impression from him.. but if you've watched him since he was on his own season of the Real World.. you probably too.. like him. He's an ass alot of the time, but he's just honest. Kind of like Simon Cowell ?? He really is a nice guy though.
This guy however ( Kenny ) is a total DUSHEBAG!!! He think's he's GOD's GIFT!! IF you have watched him from previous shows, you know he was origionally fresh meat.. and just sort of developed into this super ego retard guy who typically slides by on every challenge and makes it to the end by riding Evan ( his buddys ) coat tail. So this season.. i am SOOO glad Evan is not on this show.. and Kenny has to actually work and make it to the end. And boy.. Wes is out to get him! I don't blame him! Kenny is a total dick.. and treats every body like ass!! I can't wait to see who ends up winning!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

TIME TO VOTE! who.. is hotter?

K.. so i'm curious.. who do you think of these 3 is the HOTTEST?! Arn't they all just drop dead gorgeous?? HELL YES they are.. but who i ask.. who gets the Gossip Queen's title.. leave a comment with your vote!

LETS talk.. about.. heidi montag..

Yes i'm sure you all are just THRILLED my first post is on the superficial Heidi Montag.. OH WELL .. i'm GONNA do it.. so just read on.. Look at this top picture. What do you see? Do you see what I see? She is only 23 years old for gods sake and she looks like a 40 year old plastic woman to me. She was never ugly in my opinion.. ( maybe a tiny bit horse faced.. ) but not to the extremety that results in 10 COUNT them .. 10 plastic surgeries!! What the hell was she thinking?! She ruined her face! She will never get that back.. what a dumb blonde!
This was her before any surgery, and right after she got her first breast augmentation and nose job. She looked fine after the first i guess.. and now she is just plain RUINED! Tragic waste! What do you think??

What this blog is all about..

This blog is for gossip central only. I am a stay at home mom, with soo much to talk about.. and what better thing then to start my own gossip blog! Follow me please for a good laugh, quality information and all around fun! IF you would like to have ur blog listed on my site.. follow me and i'll add ur link if you comment your information to me.


OH and in NO WAY shape or form is this blog designed to "talk crap" or to hurt anothers feelings!! DON'T follow if you don't want to!